My Crisnel


What is love?
How does love feel?
How can I tell I'm in love?

This are some of my question about what i feel now.
I don't know how did it come to my mind asking my self this kind of questions? Hmmp 


well for me love is the only sane and satisfactory  answer to the problem of the human existence" Love doesn't make the world go round, love is what makes the ride worthwhile" 

How does love feel?

When I fall in love...

My entire world starts to shake... I feel I am sweating more...I am very excited...I can feel my faster and stronger heartbeat...blood flushes around my face.

I don't feel any possible pain, whatsoever ...just pure pleasure and joy.
Unknown, mysterious expectation. Strong desire for belonging and unification. I can sing and dance while walking on the street...I don't really care for the world around me. Everything is sooo, sooo easy to do. I
'm just waiting and longing for an opportunity to see Your face, to be close to You, to feel Your presence. Your aromatic smell is amazing and it just belongs to You and to nobody else. Sexuality looses its 'sporty/entertaining' becomes gentle or more passionate 'making love'.
It makes you so vulnerable and opens you up to the greatest joy and the greatest pain. Your life is no longer your own because it allows someone to get inside you and touch your soul and control your emotions and take your heart hostage.

It makes you want to be your best and to give the best of you to that person. It allows you to love someone more than yourself and to put them first and foremost.

It makes you do the craziest things - things you would not normally do. It makes you lose all sense of reasoning or sensibility. It is a madness that you cannot escape even if you wanted to
How can I tell I'm in love?
Usually if you ask yourself “am I in love?’ it means you’re not, because when you’re fallen in love you already have no questions, this feeling is to obvious to leave any doubts. So it’s more reasonable to count the consequences of it than to look for the signs.

You can’t stop thinking of your object, he/she stays on your mind when you’re working, spending time with friends, jogging in the morning or relaxing in evening. The vision of your object is haunting your mind like a ghost and it never works when you tell yourself not to think of him or her. You remember all the time spent together, every single word, gesture and look.

Lovesickness can be compered with feather: you’re either flying high, all filled with enthusiasm and energy, that when people around start to wonder if you’re in love or you’re deeply depressed, indifferent, nervous, don’t see in life any bright sides. No third variant is possible.  You sleep as a baby or suffer from insomnia. You shine and think you’re the best or feel miserable and unattractive. You are afraid to leave phone for a moment because you sure that’ll  be the moment he or she will be calling.

Nothing makes a person happier when he/she realises that the feeling is mutual. People in love look better, feel better and attract more attention from the people of the other sex than they are in their normal state. When you are in love single look of your object, anything that gives you the slightest hope  – and you’re already somewhere above sky.

Falling in love without reciprocity seems to be a tragedy and the end of the world. Of cause it’s not and it will pass but try to tell the one who is so unfortunately in love! Gloomy face, giving up all the everyday duties or on the opposite trying to get rid of the feeling in energetic activity – these are the signs of person in love either. Some people just can’t deal with the intense of emotions. People with unbalanced psychics can even have some suicidal ideas. But this cases are rare.

Falling in love makes you a dreamer. You see you both on the first date, long before it takes place, imagine the time you will spend together, some women start dreaming of a house and kids.

You are ready to work on yourself because your object is worth only the best. You may start a diet or go to a fitness club. Women buy tonnes of cosmetics, fill the wardrobe with new clothes. But when you’re sure that your object won’t be there you may start being rather negligent to your appearance because you’re simply not interested in anyone’s else attention.

You may start to annoy your friends with endless talks about what he ore she’s done or said. And you may notice that people around are looking at you with some mix of envy and compassion. A person in love always looks a little bit crazy and different to the others and we usually think that he/she’s totally mindless but “look at him/he” – he/she’s so very happy. When you’re in love your own problems don’t matter a thing, you don’t even notice them, but the one sad sigh of the object and the word starts ruining for you.

Falling in love is based on some chemical processes (not only on them of course), but they are the reason for the euphoria, trembling knees, heartbeating, temperature rises, loosing breath and mind at one time. These processes even change the smell of your body. In general they work like come psycho stimulators and you’re willing to see and to hear your object in search of a new portion of that sharp feeling. By the way each time we keep busy doing something we like (hobby or favourite occupation) the similar processes start in motion.

So if you find yourself in love enjoy that felling because pleasure not only makes us happy but gives us that happy look that attracts people and luck. 

But this is the only thing I believe in love!!!!
Love is a tricky emotion. There are some things that feel like love but they are much too superficial to be the real thing. Real love takes time and doesn't happen over night.

Here are three things that people often confuse for love.

LUST --> is the feeling that is often mistaken for love at first sight. Lust is an intense and sudden attraction to somebody you hardly know. It is mistaken for love because the attraction is so strong.
Lust can feel like love because the feelings of attraction are strong and all-consuming. The emotions stirred up by lust can feel very real but they are based on a fantasy. To love somebody you must know them well but many people fall in lust while they are still strangers. What people in lust fall for is a fantasy of what might be and reality can get lost in the excitement.
Overwhelmed by physical attraction people in lust can't keep their hands off of each other. They think about each other constantly and talk about one another all the time. Lust is a happy feeling brought on by passionate attraction. If you are inexperienced in matters of the heart it is very easy to mistake all that passion for love.
Lust differs from love like night differs from day. Lust happens in the early phase of a relationship when people don’t yet know each other. Lust is based on a fantasy, and the fantasy and reality don’t always mesh up. This is where lust runs out of steam.
Although physical attraction is definitely a key ingredient in any romantic relationship, love is more than just a physical longing. If a relationship is all about physical attraction it is based on lust. Really loving another person takes time and it can't be based on physical attraction alone.
OBSESSION--> are often mistaken for love because people rationalize the crazy feelings they are having. They assume that it must be love if the other person is always on their mind. Obsession is similar to lust but it is much more misleading and destructive. While lust is often fleeting, fading as two people come to know each other better, obsession sticks around.
The more time and effort invested in an unhealthy obsession the more intense the obsession can become. People in an obsessed state have a one track mind where the other person is concerned and they often lose touch with who they are as an individual. This loss of individuality creates a vicious circle of behavior where the obsessed person grows more and more Dependant on the other person to bolster their sense of self.
Even unrequited love, love that is not returned, can become an overwhelming obsession. When one person believes they are in a relationship that doesn't really exist, or when one person is more invested in an existing relationship than the other, the foundation for an obsession has been laid.
Real love is nurturing and helps people grow but obsession is debilitating. If you feel like you have lost yourself, if you are always striving to please your partner without them doing the same for you, and if you find yourself making all decisions in your life based on the feelings and needs of the other person you could be dealing with obsession.
REBOUNDING-->A rebound is a relationship that starts up very quickly after another relationship has ended. Rebounds are rarely based on love but are really a way of alleviating the loneliness people feel when a relationship ends.
Rebounding can feel like love for the simple reason that the people involved want to be in love. They are used to the security of being in love and more than anything else they want to feel that security again. They convince themselves that they are in love when they are actually missing the safety and comfort of the relationship they left behind.
If an old relationship keeps interfering with the progress of a new relationship it could mean that the relationship is a rebound. When somebody is on the rebound they are not entirely over their previous relationship. They may still be trying to work out unresolved issues from that relationship. Rebound relationships may feel like love but they are still impacted by unsettled feelings from the past.

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Mandaue, AL, Philippines
I believe the single most significant decision I can make on a day-to-day basis is my choice of attitude. It is more important than my past, my education, my successes or failures, fame or pain, what other people think of me or say about me, my circumstances, or my position. Attitude keeps me going or cripples my progress. It alone fuels my fire or assaults my hope. When my attitudes are right, there is no barrier too high, no valley too deep, no dream too extreme, no challenge too great for me.”