My Crisnel


What is friendship?

Friendship Means...

You know you have a friend for life when they answer the phone at one in the morning because you can't sleep and have a lot on your mind, and they don't mind talking about nothing to get your mind off everything.
They spare some time to spend with you.
When you know that if something bad happened to you they'd be there for you, no questions asked.
When you can look at them when some thing is wrong and they know it just by the look in their eyes and all they have to do is offer a hug and you feel a thousand times better.
When you know that they'd never lie to you, and would never hurt you and if they did it would only be for your betterment.
They can make you laugh when skies are the darkest, and they're there with a good movie and some popcorn when you're totally depressed.
And even if you're a thousand miles apart, it doesn't matter because what you share with this friend is so much deeper then what lies on top that distance plays no role in your friendship.
Friendship is when they push when you need it, but never too hard; and stand back when the time is right but never to far.
And the true test of friendship is if you're willing to do it all back in a heartbeat.
When you're life is so much better because you know them, and they bring out the best that lies within.

But is there a time that comes to your mind that you will fall in love to your Friend? And willing to sacrifice the friendship you have for love? hmmmp  

Going From Friends to Lovers?

Moving from friends to lovers with a man is not always easy. It can actually be very frustrating for some. It is not always easy to make this transition happen in most instances. In fact, it can make or break a relationship if a woman is not careful and does not do all the right things to make sure that it is moving in the right direction.

There are a few things that a woman should and should not do when she is trying to turn her friendship into much more with a man. She needs to think about this carefully and move at a comfortable speed for both people involved. I would say that this is not only scary for the man but also scary for the woman because she is not sure how he will react to her feelings of love.

The one thing that a woman does not want to do is use this as a time for a one-night stand. The last thing that a woman should do is breaking her friends heart. You have to be very careful so that you are not using this person to fulfill some sort of pleasure. You have to take their feelings into consideration so that you are keeping the friendship level there and just helping it to move along in the right direction a little better.

A woman should talk to the man first and see if she can get a feel for what they are thinking. Try to get inside their head and see if there is any way that the feelings are mutual. See if you can get a sense that he maybe having the same type of feelings for you and that this may be the right step to take. However, you may not want to be too pushy or seem too interested in this subject. You might just end up scaring him away from this entire subject.

I would recommend that you get closer to the man if you can. You want to make sure that you are getting to know him even more. You may think that you know just about everything now, but there is always so much more behind a man that you should know before you even think about dating him. Make sure that this is something that you really want to try because usually if things do no work out between a man and a woman it is hard for them to go back to being friends like they were before. You do not want to risk losing a great friendship over this.

Make sure that you are ready and when you are there has to be a time to sit down together and communicate feelings. You should never keep your feelings inside. You need to express them and get them out in the open no matter if he feels the same way or not. You should think about what you have to do in order to keep this thing under control. You may be excited but you have to know when you should and when you should not say anything. Make sure that the time is perfect and move on from there. This is he best way to get things moving along in the right direction just as you were hoping for.

Do not expect too much. You should not think that everything is going to go smoothly and that you are both going to be in this great relationship together. You need to be realistic. Think about positive things and hopefully they will go that way but always prepare you for the worst possible scene. You should be aware that it might not go as you have planned, but at least your feelings are out in the open.

Let the man know that if he feels the same way great, but if not, you still want to have them in your life. It is so important that you are not pushing them out of your life if things do go as you expect. Be patient and considerate of their feelings and you may be surprised at the happy ending that you get. It may be worth the time and all the anxiety that led up to this one perfect moment between you both. 

How to Turn a Friend Into a Lover!!
Friendships are a wonderful thing. Friends stand by you in times of need, go with you to events, and generally put meaning into your life. Often, you may have friends of the opposite sex. After getting to know an opposite sex friend, you may find yourself feeling attracted to the friend and considering turning the friendship into a lover, and having a relationship.There are many things to think about before making this move, and then ways to make it happen once you've decided you wish to make a friendship into more. This article will explore these ideas of how to turn a friend into a lover.


Things You'll Need:

  • > good head on your shoulders
  • > good heart
  • > good intentions
  • > cautionary stance
  • > willingness to take risks

  • 1
    Decide what it is you are looking for in a relationship. Perhaps you want someone who is honest, reliable, and enjoys the same activities you do. Come up with the personality traits and characteristics that would make for a meaningful relationship for you.

  • 2
    Look at your friend and determine if your friend has these traits. It's important if you are going to take the risk to turn a friend into a lover that you first discover that your friend has what you are looking for. If the two of you aren't on the same page, and you move into being lovers, things will most likely end quickly. Then, you'll have a lost a potential friendship that could have lasted for a lifetime.

  • 3
    Find out what traits your friend is looking for in a romantic relationship. Your friend might want a girl who is very feminine but also can be a tomboy, and you see that you are like this. Maybe your friend is looking for someone who is very mannerly, yet you are rough around the edges. Think about these things first before deciding to bring up the talk of a romantic relationship.

  • 4
    Find out if there is a mutual attraction. More than just having traits and characteristics that you each desire, there has to be a spark. Although there may be people in sparkless marriages that last many years, it is always good to have chemistry. Otherwise, you're basically just friends who are married.

  • 5
    Look for signs that your friend wants more than a friendship from you. You might see that your friend sits very close to you when you sit down to watch a movie together, or that quick gazes at each other seem to last longer. The body language has gone from just whatever to the friend turning towards you and looking at you more often while you are talking.

  • 6
    Ask your friend how they would feel about becoming involved with a close friend. If your friend immediately says that there is no way they would entertain this, without a second thought, your friend probably isn't on the same page as you are. However, this doesn't mean you couldn't still take Step 7 and find out directly. It may be that your friend just hasn't thought about it and would be open to it. If your friend seems open to the idea, it might even be that the reason the friend is open to the idea is because the friend might be thinking of you in this way.

  • 7
    Come out and directly inquire as to whether your friend has ever thought of making things more than friends between the two of you. You could be nonchalant about it, and casually find out what your friend thinks about you, and whether there are any romantic feelings there. Or, you could straight out ask your friend if there are feelings of romance brewing.

  • 8
    Decide together that you might want to take things to the next level. Talk about the repercussions and advantages of becoming more than friends. Discuss how you would handle things if the relationship didn't work out, or you discovered that you really didn't have the feelings necessary to become lovers.

  • 9
    Ask the friend out on a date, or initiate the first step such as kissing. You already have places you go together, so find a way to let the friend know that this would be a date so you can try out taking things to the next level. Or, just gaze into the person's eyes, and then move in for the kiss! You can read body language to see if your friend is open to it. If you're sitting beside each other, and looking at each other, it could even just happen naturally without much effort on either of your parts if you're both at the point where you want things to move forward!

    Tips & Warnings

    • The best way to start into a relationship with a friend is to be open and honest about everything as you proceed to the next level. Make sure both of you are comfortable in moving past friendship before you take that step.
    • Being friends with someone first can make a great relationship later. You already know the person and what to expect. However, sometimes, once you've been friends for a long time, it's hard to change things to romance. Be prepared that it just might be weird, or that it would take some time getting used to the change in the relationship status.
    • If you don't take the risk to find out if there are mutual feelings of attraction, you may never know. Your friend might be too shy to say something, or afraid of risking the friendship. But think how better things could be in the future if you are able to develop a relationship from a great friendship!
    • Make sure you really think hard and make a wise decision before turning a friend into a romantic relationship. Good friends are hard to find, and there's a good chance you'll lose the friendship if the relationship ends.
    • Be prepared for rejection if it turns out that your friend doesn't feel the same way about you. Don't let it jeopardize the friendship if the feelings aren't mutual.
    • Even though most friends have good intentions when moving to the next level, and promise to remain friends if things don't work out, it is often hard to go back to being just friends after there has been a romantic relationship. This is especially true if one person still wants the relationship and the other wants to go back to being just friends.

  • Do we have to debate why Friends turn into lover?

    Either, they feel that being friends then lovers is bad, because what if the relationship doesn’t work. Or they feel that friend then lover makes the best relationships. I have not heard anyone that feels indifferent. So, I would like to discuss both sides of that equation.

    I think friends make the best lovers if, you are truly friends. Two phrases used too loosely these days are “That’s my friend,” and “I love you.” Usually we call people friends that were truly only acquaintances. Acquaintances are people that we know about and get along with, but don’t truly know personally. We may even hang out with them. We may have met some family.
    But we do not know the heart of this person.
    What makes a friend anyway? There can be many definitions for this. But I will only stick with the basics, because this article is not to teach you how to choose friends. You will know what hurts a friend, and what makes them smile. You will know how they drink their coffee and that they are allergic to maple. You will know the small stuff about that person. And they will know that small stuff about you.
    You will be inside their life with their family and friends. You will bond through constantly hanging out. Whether you did it at one time in your life or you are doing it now. A friend knows the essence of you and you know the same. It is what makes the relationship work as a lover.
    Lots of times our so called “friends” are not friends at all. They are nice people. We don’t share our heart with them and they by all means don’t share their heart with us. We exchange stories, gossip, and talk politics. We hang out from time to time and nothing ever becomes “real.” We just have fun. That is an acquaintance to the heart.

    Most time it is these “friends” that don’t make good lovers. We get into a relationship with them and we find out who they really are and our acquaintanceship is now lost. And we are sad, because at least we had something versus nothing before this train wreck of a relationship.

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    Mandaue, AL, Philippines
    I believe the single most significant decision I can make on a day-to-day basis is my choice of attitude. It is more important than my past, my education, my successes or failures, fame or pain, what other people think of me or say about me, my circumstances, or my position. Attitude keeps me going or cripples my progress. It alone fuels my fire or assaults my hope. When my attitudes are right, there is no barrier too high, no valley too deep, no dream too extreme, no challenge too great for me.”